Roughnecks Football

Monday, March 29, 2010

Proud yet Ashamed

This past weekend we traveled to Las Vegas to play a tough team in the Las Vegas Outlaws. Not expecting to see a sign that advertised a room at $49 a night or $2 shrimp cocktails. No, this was the Vegas that was set in Northern New Mexico. A town that was always promised to be beautiful and friendly. Beautiful yes, friendly, not so much. With the exception of the 5 fans of the Outlaws and a big lineman that played for the Outlaws. I do apologize for not remembering his name.

But why talk about what happened? It was embarassing to be a part of semi pro football. I was ashamed to be called a fan and a member. I am going to make some people mad, but I have to tell the truth, no matter what happens. Here's why:

The Roughnecks did win 40 - 0. I am happy about that, who wouldn't be. But what I am not proud of are the actions of most of the Outlaws during the game, their fans and a few of our Roughneck players.

I know that fans will be fans and they heckle, that's part of the game. Players are players they trash talk and intimidate, that's part of the game. But when fans are threatening to shoot players of the opposing team (fans-Outlaws/opposing team-Roughnecks) and they speak ill of their kids and wives and get their own kids to cuss out the Roughnecks players, that takes it too far. The fans were the players friends, wives and relatives and they were an embarassment to what this game stands for.

The Outlaws were brash and very unprofessional, or semi-unprofessional. If they were professional they would dare not act the way they did on Saturday. Yes it's just a game, yes they are adults, but more the reason to show and act repectful in all areas of the game.

They couldn't beat the Roughnecks fair and square so they taunted. The owner or coach of the Outlaws cursed at the refs until he was ejected for a personal fowl against a Rougneck. He continued to stay on the sideline and taunt. Yelling filthy dirty words with no regard of the children on the sideline who helped with their water.

The Outlaws QB #17, got mad and threw his helmet and cursed at the officials. The last time I checked, that was reason for ejection. But he was allowed to stay and play. From what I saw, only a few players of the Outlaws held their tounges and played the game. Only a few fans were ashamed of their hometown team and made it clear to me that they were. If not for thier relative playing on the team, they would have left.

But were some of our players, the Roughnecks, perfect? No. Because of the trash talking, some of our players fell into the ploy and reacted with anger. Again, the Outlaws could not match up to the Roughnecks, so they resorted to headgames and they were good at it. The Roughnecks fell into the firey sharp tounges and almost, almost fell totally apart.

Coaches on the field yelling at players, players arguing on the sidelines, people getting upset and not letting people do what they do. I was ashamed to be a part of semi-pro football at that moment and if anyone was around me, they could tell.

When did this game become a stomping ground for guys to act like idiots and jerks and have no respect or regard for others teams, or their families? Isn't this supposed to be a fun family event? It wasn't on Saturday.

Let me give the entire league a bit of advice. Get back to playing for your comminuty. Get back to being a role model for your children and others to follow. If your wondering why your community doesn't support you, maybe this past Saturday showed why. Be adults, be upstanding.

Roughnecks, you are a good team, you have all the talent that other teams wish they had. At the start of the season, you stated that you wanted to set an example of how other teams across the league and country should be. Don't lose that goal. Work hard to get there and show repsect along the way.

Other teams are giving you a label of thugs and criminals. Let them talk. You are better than that, you know what you are and where you can go. You have the ability to be great and do something that other teams have not done in semi pro ball in over 30 years! And that's change the image of this sport at this level. You may not realize this, but people of this community want and need something to get behind. They look to you. Don't let them, or you down. I would rather see a team lose every game and be upstanding and graceful, then to see them win everygame and be what their opponents brought the down to be.
Well Outlaws, if the game was played mentally, then you won 4o - 0. But the game is phyical. And the Roughnecks did win 40 - 0.


  1. I disagree Shawn. From my vantage point I saw that we did NOT "stoop" and the headgames were inneffective on us.

    I think we DID set an example of how to act when a situation turns ugly and you're faced with making split, emotionally-charged decisions. I did not see one player go after or try to participate in any form of thuggery on the field and the "put on some pads" and "put up or shut up" comments some of our players yelled back at the chump(s) on their sidelines (not the Outlaw players, they weren't in a uniform)in response to their relentless and profane slander was very very mild, in my opinion.
    I feel that MY team's reaction is what prevented that game from deteriorating into something that we all never want to see happen on the field of play.
    I commend my teammates and coaches and I'm very proud of the self-control exhibited.
    I've not heard other teams labelling us as thugs or criminals either? I'd be interested in who that is. I've not heard a word of that from other teams.
    I feel we absolutely represented our community well and the community members who travelled to support us, commended us on that as well.
    so again, I respectfully disagree with your assessment of the game. I would be happy to watch to film with you and point out the instances where things could've gone bad fast had we not reacted like professionals.
    So my analysis is that we won the mental and the physical game.
    The team is improving daily and this game helped to "gel" quite a few things.
    A very positive outcome from a game that had a few negative moments.
    Let's not forget tho, if you totalled up all the garbage, it's probably only about 2 or 3 percent of the total game. We didn't let the 3 percent affect the other 97 percent, in my opinion.
    I am not afraid to admit bias, but that's how I saw it.

  2. I can always count on you to give it your best shot. I'm not stating all of the "Necks" got involved in the talking. But a few did. Did you not see or hear "Pops" get on to one of the guys for mouthin' back?

    Yes you are in a different part of the game. And I mean "IN" the game. Had you watched from a fans perspective, you may have a different view. I would not have seen the same things or heard the same things as you if you were in the stands and I was on the field.

    But, my job in this blog is to report on what "I" saw and heard. Yes the guys faught and yes, the guys did well in play. Some had a not so "team-like" attitude. You know that part is true.

    The announcers commented on it, some of our players commented on it and I have had some fans comment on it. All have said that this one was a "bit much for the ear to hear."

    But we learn, move one and I do humbly than you kind sir for you always gracious thoughts and sticking up for you bortherhood of love. And by the way......"Who Is This?" (inside joke between Quig and I)


    This past Saturday we went to Vegas not Sin city, Billy the Kid Vegas where the history of outlaws go on forever. After the Sting canceled we was aching to play what we did not expect was a game that was gonna be the wild wild west right from the start players shot theirs mouths off which is very common trash talking is part of the game but when it very verbal of shooting some one that's when the line is cross As a team we work together o line helps protect the RB's and QB's which they did we are very proud of those big men with out the linemen football would not be football. So hats off to them also Soto showed true leadership of when getting knock down standing up and telling the guys dont worry git them next time which they did.As for the Darkside whats there to say actions speak louder than words Fred the hands stole the ball once again the d line proved themselves every game we play two fumble recovers which became touchdowns one by Kenny the Man and the other by Chicago Kieth.. Now as for the Outlaws yes you are a tough team play most of the guys are very good players and we wish you luck this season but as for the players who tired to use headgames come guys play the game the way its played Football is the one sports where you can knock somebody on their buts and its part of the game. But yelling at the refs cussing up a storm throwing your helmets on the field, threating to shoot somebody is just outrageous there are little kids who look up to you and dream of playing football and what they saw is something no body wants to be around that's why not many ppl came out to cheers you on so hopefully ur next home game play more classy and make you home town proud. As for my team am truly glad we did not act out and made it a all out fight over nothing we are a changing the why ppl think we are. A group of CLASSY Men not thugs as some ppl are saying for that am Damn proud to be part of this great team till next time Love Peace Football

    roughneck 89 RC
