Roughnecks Football

Monday, March 22, 2010


We were ready to go. The team owner spent thousands of dollars to promote this game. We had concession stands all in place. The players were ready, the city of Farmington was ready, the radio broadcast was ready, the fans were ready. This was our first home game of the season and we were ready. The VFW colorguard. The tribute prepared for the Santa Fe Stings teammate, Jason Hill, who was a dedicted police officer that passed away in December afer a long hard faught battle with Lukemia. We were pumped, waiting, and waiting, and waitng.

You see, the Santa Fe Sting canceled the game. Reasons why? I'm not sure. But it was a dissapointment. I do understand that some players couldn't make it due to work and other things that pop up. This is semi-pro football, it happens. But I don't and can't, to this day, comprehend why at the last moment, they called off their part. No asking to play at a different date, no nothing. The team ownership had rather take a forfiet than try to save face with their players, community and semi-pro football.

Was I upset about this? Yes at first, but then I saw Roughnecks owner Richard Ruybalid swing into action. Rather than dissapointing kids, players and community, he turned a very embarassing and bad situation into a family event.

The Rowdies did their cheerleading, VFW did their colorguard, we paid tribute to Officer Jason Hill of the Santa Fe Police Department and a Rowdie sang the National Anthem. The Roughnecks took the field and we played football.

We invited all of the kids on the field and they got to play with the Roughnecks. They learned how to punt, pass and pull a Shayne Royce and dodge the defense. We invited the ladies of the WFFL (Womens Flag FOotball League) in Farmington to play a co-ed game with the Roughnecks. Kids got to come up in the radio booth and be on the air. Kids got to mingle with the players, get pictures, autographs and be a part of something. Families hung out with each other and did things together. You should have seen the smiles on the kids faces. Moms and Dads playing catch, running routes, spending time, having fun. All because of something that was out of our control.

Out of our control indeed, but not out of Gods control. He allowed this to happen. If not, I doubt that one parent would have rediscovered their kid that day. I doubt if one kid would have thought, "Wow! My dad can throw a football! or "Man, my dad is fun!"

Owner Richard Ruybalid lost thousands of dollars that day, March 20th, 2010. But he gained riches that no other man can buy. Respect. God used him to place families together again. God used him to bring a smile to a kids face and for that Richard, on that day, you probably became the richest man in the world.

So now the Roughnecks are 3-0. Next up the Las Vegas Outlaws, in Las Vegas, NM on March 27. Catch the ganme live on the R Sports Radio Network.

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